My Most Successful and Unsuccessful School Project.

In science, we were given the task of creating a building for “Cav Town”(cavaliers are the mascot of Durham Academy). But, there was a catch. We had to fully electrify the building with circuitry, buzzers, lightbulbs, and motors. So me and my good o’l pal Patrick(he has a great blog, you should read it. Here is a link: fully expect him to be a New York Times bestselling author with his first book. If he wants to do that.

Any way, when we heard the words Cav Town, We did not want to be ANOTHER restaurant or apartment. So we were like, Cav town needs a ROCKET. And then Patrick came up with another Idea. ELEVATOR. And our project was born.

It was beautiful. At least, the elevator was. ITWASPRFECT. It even WORKED. The rocket was taped to the launchpad, but who was going to launch the rocket anyway. I mean come on, Seriously?? Why would anyone do that???!

It kinda fell apart right after we managed to get the whole thing together, but it was fun while it lasted.


More circuitry!!!!!

The Inside!!!

Paper version of CIRCUITRY!!!!

Pictures taken by me

And last but best, our fabulous logo, created by Patrick


Welp, There you go. My least favorite project. So many learning moments and good memories though. Like when we realized that there was a short circuit and Elliot the electron was going to burn down the school!! ( :<

There you go!!

Have a wonderful life and good luck on whatever bananas you might encounter.





Book Review #3–Lets check in with the Ancient Greeks with Odysseus

The Odyssey, the root of modern literature, full of stories, life lessons, and warnings, Full of mystery, fantasy, and wisdom, told by the poet Homer, who we don’t even know existed.

This book is completely shrouded in mystery!!!!!!

This is going to be a hard review to write.

I guess we’ll start from the beginning.

Odysseus had just won the Trojan war with the most famous trickery in the history of war. Concealing himself and several other soldiers inside it. When the Trojans brought it inside their walls, the men slipped out and unlocked the unconquerable gates of Troy. While sailing back home, they angered Poseidon,  who promised vengeance. Over ten years, the men battled the sea to get home. But will they make it back alive?

this is a thrilling tale of mythology and monsters, courage and cowardice, and a fight to return home that I recommend to anyone who is up for it.