Camp Kirkwood

A few short weeks ago, The sixth grade of Durham Academy traveled to the far reaches of North Carolina, to a camp called Camp Kirkwood, smack in the middle of nowhere. Little did we know, we were heading towards doom…


Zeus the thunder good was vacationing on the beaches of Florida, having a grand old time. While he watched the sun set, he whistled to himself with the water lapping at his toes. At some point, he eventually dozed off on his beach towel listening to the rhythm of the waves crashing against the shore. However, he was not aware of the fact that the tide was rising…

On the bus, I was starting to get sleepy, and the humming of the buses motor was a perfect combination of my sleepiness to conk out. I was asleep for about 30 seconds when there was a colossal bang as the bus hit a tremendous crater in the road. The entire bus was shaken up like a soda can in the hands of a five year old. So much for sleep.

Back on the beaches of Florida, Zeus woke up in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.( the tide had risen and floated him out to sea.) When he realized everything that he had brought to the beach was at the bottom of the ocean, he said several things I will not repeat. He threw a dramatic temper tantrum, which immediately caused a tropical storm to come out of nowhere. (Of course).

Idealia, the category three hurricane, was barreling Across South Carolina at a whopping 125 miles per hour, leaving behind it a path of chaos and destruction at about the time of my pathetic excuse for a nap. (Off to a great start.)

by the time we arrived at Camp Kirkwood it was drizzling. By the time we went to bed, it was pandemonium. The next morning, it was still pouring. Rain lashed at the windows and thunder and lightning flashed and rumbled. The sky maintained the ominous color black, and rain continued with no sign of a stop. But, I’ll skip the first two days of horror, because they were horror, however, they say that third time’s a charm, and that really applied here.

I awoke on the third day to se brilliant sunshine streaming through the dusty window. The sky was blue from horizon to horizon, and the day was passed kanga jumping, zip lining over the sparkling lake(more of a pond), kayaking, and canoeing as the sun reached its peak. One turtle, try to sun itself on a log got frustrated because we kept going by it and scaring it into the water. Eventually, it worked up the nerve to try attacking us. About half way to our boat, it chickened out and turned around. On kanga jump, I think my science teacher Mr Robbins had the most fun. He bounced around the blow up trampoline, screeching and flying several feet in the air.

I think that for the most part, this camping trip was to improve team building skills and to get to know each other better. All in all, this trip was full of terror, thunder, chaos, but most of all, fun.

Across the lake/pond view of camp


Kayaking on the lake/pond

Kanga jump!

Zip Line!!!


Photos courtesy of Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Donnelly, and Mrs. Williams
