Makers Market: Catastrophic or Philanthropic

There remains one question: Was the Durham Academy Middle school’s Makers Market Catastrophic or philanthropic? The answer is, my dear readers,

Drumroll please

Spoiler Alert: its anticlimactic


Not that exiting

From My point of view It was a little of both. I donated 10% of my well deserved earnings to charity

I know, I’m so generous. Don’t read this-}( It was only 8 dollars)

In summary, I spent the entire time being screamed at by a bunch of people who refused to be civilized and make a line. Furthermore, I did not have a cashier, a distributor, a private servant, or and orthopedist. It was bad. Plus My Stuff seemed to be a bit popular. So, I did not get lunch until way too late. Actually, my sister brought me beignets before I even got lunch. Which of course is perfect. One principal that I always stand by is dessert BEFORE dinner.

The beignets were delicious, but I still did not have any lunch. So eventually, I had to leave the twenty seven people in line to buy myself a lunch from some food trucks. Unfortunately, all twenty seven people followed me, complaining that they had been waiting in the line for thirty seconds and they did not want to lose there spot. Big deal.

I sold Dark chocolate crinkle cookies that look like this:

And clay miniatures( someone actually took a bite of my eggplant which is the goal. )

All in all, the makers market was a big fiasco. For me. My customers hopefully enjoyed it though. Have a better day than I did!!


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