
The first thing I think of when I hear the word Thanksgiving is turkey, stuffing,(especially stuffing) And the Adam Sandler song that goes like: 🎶Turkey for me, 🎶turkey for you, 🎵let’s eat the turkey in my big brown shoe,…

Such happy Memories.

One year ago, my cousin Ruby sneezed all over the turkey. My aunt then tried to wipe it with a napkin that turned out not to be a napkin, but somebodies slimy tissue. I didn’t have turkey that year. It was horrible.

Oh!! In second grade, my teacher brought in a pumpkin pie for us to eat. Then this kid sat on it. Thus the pumpkin pie comes to and end.

One year, my uncle secretly ate all the pumpkin pie a week before Halloween. There was that.

Fun Fact: A Turducken is a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey!!!!

Then there was the year that our uncle and aunt didn’t realize they didn’t order a turkey until the night before Thanksgiving. That year we had a bunch of chicken thighs. An abomination!!

So, out of the twelve Thanksgivings that I’ve had, one third of them have been a complete failure.

Fun fact: the world’s largest pumpkin pie was like 16 feet in diameter. Oh wait, it might have been 51. Or 12. I’m not really sure.

In the Fall of 1621, The indigenous people of the Wampanoag tribe celebrated the fall harvest with the first arrivals from England. Additionally, some fairy unicorns hitchhiking across the ocean joined the feast. Only they feasted on people. The legend of the fairy unicorns go like this:  the fairy is the most magical thing in the world, and the unicorn is the most beautiful. So, on very special enchanted nights like the one all those years ago, a fairy unicorn might come and give you a lucky horn kiss.( some symptoms of lucky horn kisses are extreme itchiness, and mountainous red bumps on your skin) If you haven’t gotten there yet, here is a hint: Spoiler alert: They’re mosquitoes. Aedes Aegypti mosquitos to be exact. The rode across the ocean in barrels of water on the mayflower, And they have plagued us with lucky kisses ever since

Anyway, The pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe had a feast to celebrate the successful harvest, because the flood on the Mayflower kind of spoiled- not sure how they didn’t foresee that. But when the got to the completely discovered “New World” they were starving. And, they did not exactly know haw to farm the supposed “new world”. So, the Wampanoag, Helped them out and showed them all the nifty tricks needed to Make stuff sprout, Like berry rotten fish in the ground with your food. (Sounds Disgusting, but I guess it works)

So, They all partied and had fun and fried turkey(just kidding)- side note, The pilgrims, as a thank you gift, decided to attack them within a year. Interesting relationship. However, in the moment, everyone had fun and commingled with the help of a Wampanoag translator named Squanto(Tisquantum) And also, I lied, he was a Patuxet tribe, and he comes way earlier in the time line, and I kind of missed that. But I’m not going to just redo my blog right?

For 2 centuries Individual states and cities appreciated thanksgiving to celebrate the harvest. Then finally, in 1863, right smack in the middle of the civil war, President Abraham Lincoln🎩 decided, THIS SHOULD BE A HOLIDAY

And every one was like WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?! and he said A HOLIDAY, and they said WHAT?!?!?!????!?! And he said A HOLIDAY, and everyone was like OK. Is this the right time!!?!???! And he said O’ COURSE IT IS, ITS THE MIDDLE OF THE DANG CIVIL WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…!!!!!!!!…!!!!!!!!!!!!

So then it was a holiday. And that my friends is my short summary of the history of thanksgiving.

Is it Turkey

From wikipedia

Or is it Turkey?

Huh? Huh?Huh?

Which one is it?

10 things I am thankful for:

-The moon

-The sun


-The great opportunity presented by myparents in our move from Vermont to North Carolina

-My Family and friends


-Ted Lasso and Led Tasso







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